QMarxan & ArcMarxan version 1.1 released
By: Trevor Wiens
Tags: GIS, Marxan
We are happy to announce the release of version 1.1 for both the QMarxan Toolbox and the ArcMarxan Toolbox. This new release of QMarxan is for QGIS 3.x and as before ArcMarxan is for ArcGIS 10.2 and above. With the 1.1 release these two tools now work in the exact same way, allowing GIS technicians to use the platform of their choice to do their calculations for Marxan and then convert the results, stored in a single table, into Marxan input files. As before, there is also a simple reporting tool which allows users to select portions of their results and look at what features or species are found in those areas.
For details on each tool see the links below: